The MacKay Guardian™ Multi Elite possesses all the features and reliability of the Multi in a slimmer more compact cabinet.

Additionally, the Elite has a colour VGA display and LED “Confirm” and “Cancel” buttons.

The colour display allows for graphic icons and images to be added, providing a means to personalize the pay stations. Imagine having a City scape or University logo on the welcome screen, or perhaps a special events image. And with the Sentinel™ meter management system, changing the image will be a snap!

The LED buttons positioned near the center of the face plate provide a simple one step option for printing/confirming a transaction and for canceling a transaction (depending upon the pay stations rate profile). The confirm button flashes green and doubles as a start up button on solar powered Elites that are in “sleep mode” to conserve power.

Much like the MacKay Guardian™ Multi, the Elite is flexible to the customer’s needs.

  • Power can be either AC charged battery or solar charged battery (with a 20 W solar panel integrated onto the top of the Elite).
  • Accepted payment types include coins (up to 16 types), bills (user defined denominations), credit cards, non-pin debit cards and smart cards (such as a City parking card).
  • The pay station currently can be set to Pay & Display mode or Pay by Space mode.
  • Flexible rate structures and ticket lengths to fit the need
  • Custom paint options available to match your colour choice

Manufactured under stringent ISO 9001:2008 certified quality processes.

 Download MacKay Guardian™ Multi Elite Specification Sheet